Treatment of Personal Information

1. Definition

As used in the Terms, the following terms have the respective meanings set forth below.

a. “Services” collectively means the services which are being provided based on the contents of the application of the User, such as:

  • matching the contents of the application received from the User with the job requirements received from the Company;
  • providing the job postings and supplementary information on the job;
  • providing the career advices by the career advisor on the phone or by the interview; and
  • assisting the application procedures, etc.

b. “User” means the person who applied for the Services by providing his/her information to Peoplyee Recruit as required.

c. “Company” means the company which cooperates with PT Peoplyee Tech Indonesia for the recruitment activities of human resources it demands, based on the recruitment contract separately concluded between Peoplyee Recruit and the Company.

d. “Website” means the Internet website concerning the operation and managed by PT Peoplyee Tech Indonesia.

e. “User’s information” means that all provided information from user to Peoplyee Recruit such as user name, address, age, academic information and all user information etc.

2. Application Procedure

The User shall follow the application procedures of which Peoplyee Recruit has been designated in our official brochures, advertisements, social media and websites. Any other application procedures shall not be accepted, and shall be deemed as invalid. Peoplyee Recruit provides all Users the service of matching the contents of the application received from the User with the job requirements received from the Company. If there are any jobs matched to the User, Peoplyee Recruit provides the job information in the form of job postings by email or WhatsApp from our consultants, from support email ( or official WhatsApp Business.

3. Services

Peoplyee Recruit provides such User the appropriate services, selecting from the following services at Peoplyee Recruit’s sole discretion;

  1. providing career counseling on the phone or by the interview,
  2. providing the career advices by the career advisor,
  3. providing supplementary information of the job postings,
  4. assisting the application procedures, and
  5. providing any other services which Peoplyee Recruit considers as beneficial to the User’s job seeking and career changing activities.

Peoplyee Recruit will not return the resumes and the curriculum vitae, etc.received from the User in the career counseling or the application procedures. If the User requested the deletion, Peoplyee Recruit deletes it with Peoplyee Recruit’s own responsibility.

4. Guarantee of disclosed information

The User must ensure that following information provided to Peoplyee Recruit for the service is True:

  • During the service, all the User’s information is true and correct, there is no false information and all the important information to avoid misunderstanding is sufficiently provided;
  • The User is currently and will not be not relating to any organized crime group or any equivalent object (“Anti Social Force“)
  • The User has no relationship with anti social force or any other following situations:
  • Taking advantage of anti social force to obtain illicit profit for self or any other third party or damaging any third party;
  • Providing capital or any advantages to anti social force;
  • Any other improper relationship with anti social force

5. Period of Services

Peoplyee Recruit continues to provide the Services of the job offers that are compatible with the conditions of the User is likely to be continued. Peoplyee Recruit may contact the User for the purpose of ensuring the User’s intention to continue his/her job seeking activities.

6. Change, Suspension, or Termination of Services

When the User requested for the termination of the Services, Peoplyee Recruit promptly terminates the Services within a reasonable period. If there are unavoidable circumstances with regard to the business operation, Peoplyee Recruit may change or temporarily suspend all or parts of the Services without any notification to the User. Also, Peoplyee Recruit may terminate all or parts of the Services after the notification for a certain period of time.

Peoplyee Recruit may terminate the Services without any prior notification to the User if Peoplyee Recruit determines that it has any grounds related to the User as described in the following Items:

  1. in case the User breached any provisions set forth in the Terms,
  2. in case the User’s information is not sufficient for providing the Services,
  3. in case the User cut off contact with Peoplyee Recruit without justifiable reasons after being informed of the commencement of the Services,
  4. in case the User repeated excessive demands which go beyond the scope of the Services,
  5. in case it is found that the User has any relationship with the organized crime groups, its member, entities or its affiliates, or any other Antisocial Forces,
  6. in case Peoplyee Recruit considers that it is impossible to keep the relationship with the User.

Peoplyee Recruit shall not disclose the basis or the reasons of such determination, nor respond to the questions, etc.

7. User’s Responsibility

The Company and the third party shall provide the information for the Services on its own responsibility. Upon using the Services, the User shall agree that Peoplyee Recruit provides no guarantee for the contents of such information so that the User shall use it on his/her own responsibility.

8. Personal Information

Peoplyee Recruit properly collects, uses, provides and manages personal information of the User pursuant to the “Privacy Policy” and the “Terms of Use of Job Seeking, Career Counseling and Support Services” as separately provided.

9. Accuracy and Deletion of User’s Information

In case the information of which the User provided to Peoplyee Recruit or the Company is not accurate, or in case the Company or the third party has made any objection, demand or request against Peoplyee Recruit arising from such defects or inconsistency of the contents, the User shall solve such complaints at its own expense and responsibility, and shall keep Peoplyee Recruit out of any trouble. In case the email address of the User was incorrect and a third party claimed or demanded the deletion thereof, Peoplyee Recruit may delete such email address from the User’s Information without prior notice to such User.

10. Submission of Documents

The User, in case of receiving requests from Peoplyee Recruit, shall submit immediately the documents described as follows:

  1. Identification documents for specification and confirmation of User’s name, address, etc.
  2. ID Card (Kartu Tanda Penduduk), Family Card (Kartu Keluarga), Education Certificate or Certificate of Authorization for Employment for the confirmation of User’s status of residence.
  3. any other certifications requested by the Company.

11. Conditions of Work

Peoplyee Recruit matches the contents of the application received from the User with the job requirements received from the Company. However, Peoplyee Recruit shall not disclose the standards of the screening or the basis of the determination. Even after receiving the User’s request for the application to the Company, Peoplyee Recruit may check on and determine the goodness of fit of the User to the job on behalf of the Company upon receiving the Company’s request. Peoplyee Recruit confirms the general conditions of work such as the nature of the work and the treatments in case the User joins the Company. However, the User shall agree that the User shall directly confirm the Company by himself/herself regarding the conditions of work on his/her own responsibility before engaging the employment contract with the Company, and that the conditions of work, of which Peoplyee Recruit confirmed and notified to the User, shall not be intended to ultimately guarantee the details of such employment contract.

12. ID & Password

When Peoplyee Recruit issued the ID and password concerning the Services, the User shall use and manage them on his/her own responsibility. In any cases, the User shall neither allow a third party to use, nor transfer, such ID or password

13. Prohibitions

The User shall be prohibited from engaging in the following acts;

  1. Providing false or inaccurate information to Peoplyee Recruit or the Company,
  2. Interfering with business operation of Peoplyee Recruit or the Company or tarnishing the social credibility or reputation of Peoplyee Recruit or the Company,
  3. Defaming, slandering or insulting other Users, the Company, Peoplyee Recruit, the employees of Peoplyee Recruit or the Company and any persons concerned to the business of Peoplyee Recruit (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties Concerned”),
  4. Violating any property rights including copyrights, trademark rights and other intellectual property rights, trade secrets, or defaming or infringing the privacy of the Parties Concerned,
  5. Using the information acquired through the Services for duplicating, publishing, and other purposes beyond the Services, or leaking or disclosing to the third party,
  6. Providing the information acquired through the Services for the purpose of making profit,
  7. Making direct contact with the Company introduced through the Services without Peoplyee Recruit’s consent, participating in the screening test of the Company or joining the Company,
  8. Absenting from the counseling, the screening or the interview without prior notification, or declining to join the Company after accepting the offer without any justifiable reason,
  9. Any acts in violation of laws and regulations or contrary to public order and morals, or any other possibilities.

14. Statistic Data

Peoplyee Recruit may publish statistics data based on the User’s Information, and use it in the media, etc. of which Peoplyee Recruit edits or publishes without any restrictions.In such case, Peoplyee Recruit retains copyrights and all the other property rights related to such information. The User shall agree that the User may receive any messages from the Company based on the User’s information.

15. Peoplyee Recruit’s Responsibility

  1. Peoplyee Recruit shall not make any warranty that the information, services, etc. which can be acquired through the Services is to satisfy the expectation of the User, and to provide the successful employment or career changing of the User.
  2. In the event of any dispute arising between the User and the Company or any other third party, the User shall settle the dispute between such third party under his/her own responsibility and expenses.
  3. Peoplyee Recruit shall not be responsible for any damages suffered by the User concerning the use of the Services (any disadvantages including mental or property damages) except in cases of deliberate or gross negligence by Peoplyee Recruit. Should Peoplyee Recruit take responsibility, Peoplyee Recruit shall assume no liability to compensate for indirect damage, special damage, future damage and lost profits.

16. Force Majure

In case of delay of the Services or if it becomes difficult or impossible to provide the Services due to the reasons not attributable to Peoplyee Recruit such as act of God, network failures, damages caused by the viruses of which the standard anti-virus measures cannot prevent, Peoplyee Recruit shall not be held liable in any case whatsoever for any damages suffered by the User. Peoplyee Recruit shall not guarantee that any data relating to the Services shall not be deleted or modified due to such events. Therefore, the User shall store such data at his/her own responsibility.

17. Compensation

In case the User breached the Terms and caused Peoplyee Recruit to be involved in any dispute with a third party, the User shall settle the dispute under his/her own responsibility and expenses. In case the User breached the Terms and caused damages to Peoplyee Recruit, the Parties Concerned or a third party, the User shall compensate all such damages.

18. Change to the Terms

Peoplyee Recruit may change the contents of the Terms due to the following situations:

  1. Changes of laws or regulation;
  2. For the User’s general benefit
  3. The changes are not violating the purpose of the service, and it is necessary and reasonable to make the changes for provision of other services or businesses.

19. Consultation

With respect to any matters which are not provided for in the Terms, the User and Peoplyee Recruit will consult with each other in good faith and resolve themselves amicably in accordance with the provisions of Indonesia laws and regulations.

20. Jurisdiction

The Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Indonesia. The court having jurisdiction over the head office of Peoplyee Recruit shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to hear any disputes arising in connection with the Terms.